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Canada Customs Compliance
Customs Agencies in North America have shifted much of their emphasis from import inspections to post audit inspections. The responsibilities put upon Importers of Record have steadily increased as all members of the supply chain endure higher scrutiny from Customs Officials. The ownership and staff of Importers of Record must take the time to learn their responsibilities, by clearly understanding the consequences of not following regulations such as:
- Monetary penalties issued by Customs Agencies
- Increased scrutiny and more frequent examination of goods
- Delays of incoming shipments
- Inadvertent overpayment of duties and government fees
- Total suspension of import privileges
ABC Customs Brokers believes that the current regulatory environment demands active participation by every member of the international trade community. The laws governing cross border trade continue to become increasingly complex, and it is our perception that this requires ongoing and continual improvement in voluntary compliance, through awareness and education. Learn more about our Trade Compliance Seminars and Workshops.
Compliance Driven Process
ABC Customs Brokers strives to assist our clients with managing the risks of importing and improving efficiencies in their processes, with emphasis on a thorough understanding of the regulations. Our experienced professionals are continuously engaged in improving best practices in order to best meet the needs of your business.
Self Auditing Program
Canada Border Services Agency has clearly identified that importers have the responsibilities of knowing and understanding import regulations. Importers are expected to utilize reasonable care and due diligence to achieve compliance with those regulations. ABC Customs Brokers will work with you to develop a solid program of good practices and methods of self-checking that promote compliance and assure prompt correction of violations, in addition to identifying potential risk factors. Customs auditors will be checking for the following:
- Record Keeping
- Purchase Order
- Sales invoices
- Receiving reports
- Record of payment receipt
- Permits
Surviving a Customs Audit
- Physical inventory counts
- NAFTA and FTA Audits
- Proper HS Tariff Classification
- End use diversions (i.e. claimed agriculture; used for construction)
- Drawback, refund claim and amendment validations
- "Reason to Believe" responsibility
Every importer is potentially subjected to a Customs audit. Customs may look for prior history of compliance errors, poorly defined and documented internal control procedures, and/or other "red flags". In our opinion, EVERY importer should prepare as if they will be audited by Customs.
Contact us toll-free: 888.432.5403
Email: consulting@abccustoms.com